


Description  ( Overview)

An attractive face is all about balance & proportion. The nose, located front and center, provides the foundation for this sense of aesthetic balance. With the help of a skilled, qualified cosmetic surgeon, the nose can be reshaped and refined to enhance a patient’s natural beauty.

Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, improves the shape, size, and symmetry of a person’s nose, bringing it into better proportion with the rest of the face. When performed by a skilled, qualified cosmetic surgeon, rhinoplasty can be a rewarding and life-enhancing procedure—patients often notice that their overall appearance has improved, as the nose they see now looks natural, like the nose they have always thought they should have.

Why rhinoplasty is reguired?

Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a “nose job” or “nose reshaping” by patients, enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose.

By reshaping the nasal structures, including bone, cartilage, and skin, a cosmetic surgeon can help achieve one or more of the following:

  • Straighten a crooked nose
  • Smooth a prominent bump in the bridge of the nose
  • Reduce the length of an over-protruding nasal tip
  • Refine the size of a bulbous nasal tip
  • Narrow a nose that is too wide for the face
  • Reduce the size of a nose that is too large
  • Restore symmetry to the nose following injury
  • Correct breathing problems by opening up blocked nasal passages

If you desire a more symmetrical nose, keep in mind that everyone’s face is asymmetric to some degree. Results may not be completely symmetric, although the goal is to create facial balance and correct proportion.Nose surgery that’s done to improve an obstructed airway requires careful evaluation of the nasal structure as it relates to airflow and breathing.Correction of a deviated septum, one of the most common causes of breathing impairment, is achieved by adjusting the nasal structure to produce better alignment.

Why Iran Is Suitable For Rhinoplasty?


Patient Eligibility \ Who Can Have Rhinoplasty ?

Men and women of all ages benefit from rhinoplasty. Nose reshaping is one of the more popular cosmetic surgery procedures for teenage patients too, although cosmetic surgeons take special care when evaluating whether or not a younger patient is ready for rhinoplasty. Physically, the nose must be fully developed—typically by around age 14 for girls and 16 for boys. Younger patients also need to demonstrate emotional maturity and understanding about the cosmetic surgery process.

For patients of any age, it is important to have realistic expectations. Rhinoplasty can help you improve upon your existing nose, but it cannot deliver “perfection” nor can it give you the nose of someone else. A skilled, qualified cosmetic surgeon will explain to you what is possible and help you achieve a nose that looks natural with your unique features.

How Is Rhinoplasty Done? (Procedures)

Nose surgery is highly individualized, and the exact techniques a cosmetic surgeon will use during a procedure will look a little different each time, depending on a patient’s anatomy and desired changes. In general, however, a cosmetic surgeon’s techniques will fall under one of the following procedural approaches.

Open rhinoplasty

An incision is made across the columella (the skin of the central strut of the nose separating the two nostrils. The incision is carried up and around the rim of the nostrils, allowing the skin on the nose to be peeled back. The surgeon then has a direct view of the cartilage, which they can then refashion. This technique is used for the very complicated, difficult and injured nose but is also used exclusively by some surgeons.

Closed rhinoplasty

The closed rhinoplasty does not have an incision across the skin of the columella between the nostrils, but is carried out through the mucosa of the inside of the nose. The surgeon does not have the direct view of the nasal skeleton and therefore it is a technique for the more experienced surgeon.


A septo-rhinoplasty is commonly done to improve the way you breathe through your nose. This is often done for patients who suffer from a deviated septum. The septum is the cartilage and bone inside your nose that divides the nostrils.

Your surgeon will make an incision in the mucosa (the lining inside your nose), and lift it off the bone and cartilage in order to remove any parts that are bent, putting them into a straight position allowing for clear breathing. This procedure will improve the way you breathe, and the appearance of your nose can be adjusted as well.

Rhino-tip Surgery

Rhino-tip surgery is done to change the shape of the nose by modifying the structure of the underlying cartilage. Most alterations are done from inside the nose so as to minimize any scarring. Your surgeon can create the perfect tip for your nose structure.

Some common cases that patients come in for are:

– Big Tip: This is a rounded appearance at the tip of the nose, possibly due to thick skin.

– Crooked Tip: One nostril may appear larger than the other or the nose might be slanted to one side causing an asymmetrical look.

– Flared Nostrils: When the nostrils are larger and spread farther apart creating an upturned of flat-nose appearance.

– Hooked Tip: This is when the nose juts out and is overly-long, particularly noticeable on the profile of the patient.

The Oriental and African Nose Augmentation

Many patients have noses which are flatter with wider nostrils. In these cases, it is not a question of reducing the skeletal support, but adding to it. The bridge line can be raised by adding a manmade substance or the patient’s own bone and cartilage taken from the ear, skull or rib. In each case, the extra tissue is carved to the required shape. Nostrils and nostril floor can be reduced in width by removing a wedge of tissue. The oriental may on occasions need surgery of the upper eyelid, and particularly the inner end where there is often web.

Preparation & recovery

How should I prepare for rhinoplasty?

In preparing for rhinoplasty surgery, you may be asked to:

  • Get a lab test
  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding

Your plastic surgeon will also discuss where your procedure will be performed.

Rhinoplasty may be performed in an accredited office-based surgical facility, a licensed ambulatory surgical center or a hospital.

Rhinoplasty is typically performed as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia, although local anesthesia with intravenous sedation may be appropriate in certain cases. After your procedure, your nose may be placed in a splint. This helps to support your newly reshaped nose and protect it from accidental contact. You may also go home with packing inside your nostrils—this can be uncomfortable, but temporary. Packing is typically removed within the first week after rhinoplasty. Your cosmetic surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help minimize discomfort during your initial recovery.

Take it easy after rhinoplasty

For the first 1 to 2 weeks, many patients experience bruising and swelling. At first, you may not be able to see the improvements made during surgery. But don’t worry—the majority of bruising and swelling should subside after the first 10 to 14 days. Most patients feel ready to return to work or school after 1 or 2 weeks, depending on the level of activity required. Typically after 3 weeks, most normal non-contact activities can be resumed. However, limit activity according to your surgeon’s instructions and do not engage in any strenuous activities until you are cleared to do so.

Your new nose will continue to improve

While you will be able to see the improvements your cosmetic surgeon made during rhinoplasty after the initial bruising and swelling dissipates, it is normal to have some slight residual swelling present for up to a year. This is usually not noticeable to others, though.

The results of rhinoplasty surgery are permanent. While this means your new nose will be with you for a lifetime, it also makes it that much more important to choose a qualified cosmetic surgeon whom you can trust to deliver the results you desire.

If you’re considering rhinoplasty, the best way to learn about your options is to meet with a board certified cosmetic surgeon for a consultation.

Other options

In certain cases, the nose can be reshaped non-surgically with dermal fillers, providing improvements that last up to a year. By strategically injecting a filler at certain points in the nose, a skilled cosmetic surgeon can help smooth out bumps, reshape the nasal tip, and improve nasal symmetry. Although the results are temporary, this non-surgical approach can be a cost-effective way for patients to “test-drive” a nose reshaping procedure before committing to the permanent changes possible with surgical rhinoplasty.

Risks & Complication


What are the risks of rhinoplasty?

The decision to have plastic surgery is extremely personal. You will have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications of rhinoplasty are acceptable.

Rhinoplasty surgery risks include:

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing or scarring
  • Change in skin sensation (numbness or pain)
  • Nasal septal perforation (a hole in the nasal septum) is rare. Additional surgical treatment may be necessary to repair the septum but it may be impossible to correct this complication
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unsatisfactory nasal appearance
  • Skin discoloration and swelling
  • Possibility of revisional surgery

These risks and others will be fully discussed prior to your consent. It is important that you address all your questions directly with your plastic surgeon.


What is a rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery or a ‘nose job’, is a procedure that addresses many concerns related to your nose. As the nose is the central feature on your face, it can define your overall look. With a nose job, we address various concerns, including:

– Size reduction

– Length reduction

– Correcting asymmetry

– Removing a bridge or bump on the nose

– Reshaping the tip or shape of the nose

– Alleviating a deviated septum or improving breathing difficulties

– Making changes to the nostril shape and size

 Not all rhinoplasty procedures are created equally. Depending on your needs, we offer different procedures to achieve your desired results. During your initial consultation with your surgeon, they will evaluate what type of rhinoplasty surgery is right for you.

There are five types of rhinoplasty procedures that we offer in iran

Closed Rhinoplasty

This is the most common type of rhinoplasty. There are no external scars, as all incisions are done inside the nose. The soft tissues are lifted slightly upward, allowing access to the bone and cartilage. There are several advantages of closed rhinoplasty, including reduced nasal tissue irritation, less detectable scarring, shorter operating times and faster recovery.

Open Rhinoplasty

This is a more invasive surgery and it is widely used for patients who need more extensive work. Your surgeon will make incisions in the columella, which is the skin between your nostrils beneath your nose. Following the incisions, the skin is lifted up allowing access inside the nasal cavity for your surgeon to perform reshaping. After the surgery is complete, the columella is sutured and the nose will be secured in place with tape and a splint to keep the nose in place. The splint will keep the nose in place during the healing process and normally will be removed after one week.

Open rhinoplasty is excellent for patients with issues such as genetic or structural deformities, trauma to the nose requiring grafting and unsatisfactory results from a previous nose job.


A septo-rhinoplasty is commonly done to improve the way you breathe through your nose. This is often done for patients who suffer from a deviated septum. The septum is the cartilage and bone inside your nose that divides the nostrils. Your surgeon will make an incision in the mucosa (the lining inside your nose), and lift it off the bone and cartilage in order to remove any parts that are bent, putting them into a straight position allowing for clear breathing. This procedure will improve the way you breathe, and the appearance of your nose can be adjusted as well.

Rhino-tip Surgery

Rhino-tip surgery is done to change the shape of the nose by modifying the structure of the underlying cartilage. Most alterations are done from inside the nose so as to minimize any scarring. Your surgeon can create the perfect tip for your nose structure.

Some common cases that patients come in for are:

  • Big tip – this is a rounded appearance at the tip of the nose, possibly due to thick skin.
  • Crooked tip – one nostril may appear larger than the other, or the nose might be slanted to one side causing an asymmetrical look.
  • Flared nostrils – when the nostrils are larger and spread farther apart creating an upturned or flat nose appearance.
  • Hooked tip – this is when the nose juts out and is overly long, particularly noticeable on the profile of the patient.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

This is another very common form of rhinoplasty. It is non-surgical and non-invasive and involves an injectable filler being used to correct very minor imperfections. This is a popular choice for clients who need minimal changes to the shape of their nose. Keep in mind that over time the filler will begin to dissolve and you may need further treatments.

Surgical vs non-surgical Rhinoplasty

Surgically, one can reconstruct part of or the whole nose after trauma or tumour excision. More commonly we aesthetically refine the size and shape.

There is no limit to what one can do surgically – reduce the size, change the shape, improve breathing, lift or raise the bridge line or reduce the nostril size. First, you’ll need to discuss carefully with your surgeon exactly what you are hoping for. They will help you with diagrams, photographs and computer morphing of images.

Once you have decided what you need to achieve the desired result, your surgeon will explain the required procedure. There are some basic options. The augmentation rhinoplasty is where tissue, perhaps your own cartilage, bone or fat, or artificial material from a package is used to raise the bridge line and tip.

More frequently we are reducing the size and shape and access is through the nostrils without a skin incision. This is the Closed Rhinoplasty.

The Open Rhinoplasty requires a small incision across the central strut of the nose (the columella) and is used for certain, more complicated operations.

The Medical or Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty is another option which has become popular recently. It is a quick way of adding injectable material to disguise shape. So, for example, one can add filler either side of a hump, raising the bridge line to level it. The surgical option might be the remove the hump, making the nose slightly smaller.

It is popular because it is quick and avoids even a small operation. It is actually really useful for disguising really terrible deformities, which would involve several complicated procedures. Nowadays we use either your own fat or hyaluronic acid filler. Hyaluronic acid dissolves slowly and will need top-ups every 6-12 months.

We believe that you should know all the options before making your choice of procedure.

What does Rhinoplasty involve?

Nose reshaping is carried out with the patient only just asleep under total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA), and depending on your requirements, the surgeon may do any of the following:

Nose reduction – make the nose smaller by removing some cartilage and bone. This often involves rasping down the bridge of the nose and fracturing the nasal bones, where they join the face. The skin of the nostrils does not shrink to the same extent as the rest of the nose and there may be a necessity for reducing the base of the nostrils or the floor of the nose, by removing a wedge of tissue.

Nose reshaping – changing the shape of the nose by rearranging or adding to the cartilaginous and bony skeleton.

Nose proportions – changing the angle between the nose and top lip.

How should I prepare for a rhinoplasty / nose job surgery?

At your initial rhinoplasty consultation, your surgeon will go through any pre-operative advice with you which will include eating well, quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol and avoiding aspirin and blood-thinning medication.
You will not be allowed food for 6 hours and water for 2 hours prior to your operation. You may choose to take Arnica tablets to reduce any bruising following your nose surgery. If you have any other questions or concerns then you will be able to address them during your consultation.

Is nose surgery painful?

No, there is virtually no pain following surgery. There may be some level of uncomfortableness following the procedure, but there won’t be any pain. Many patients do not require analgesia.

What risks are associated with rhinoplasty surgery?

Rhinoplasty is one of our most popular treatments in  iran , and any risks associated with nose reshaping are the same as with any other surgical procedure that involves a general anaesthetic. Any specific risks will be discussed by your surgeon who will explain the nose surgery process in detail and answer your specific concerns.

Some possible risks can include:

+ Anesthesia risks, as with any surgery there are risks with using anesthesia.
+ Infection
+ Poor wound healing or scarring
+ Change in skin sensation; possible numbness or pain
+ Nasal septal perforation (a hole in the nasal septum). However keep in mind that this is very rare. Additional surgical treatment may be necessary to repair the septum but it may be impossible to correct this complication
+ Difficulty breathing
+ Unsatisfactory nasal appearance
+ Skin discoloration and swelling
+ Possibility of revisional surgery

The best way to avoid risks with surgery is to follow the proper aftercare instructions given to you by your surgeon. Many of these risks are rare.

What is the downtime after rhinoplasty surgery?

We usually recommend our rhinoplasty patients to take at least one week off work, as you will be wearing a splint for up to ten days. There is no reason however, why you should not be working from home. There may be some bleeding from the nostrils overnight or for longer if the septum or turbinate’s have required treatment. You are likely to have some swelling and bruising below the eyes, if the nasal bones have been fractured. This is completely normal and will subside within the ten days. We also tell patients to avoid strenuous exercise for at least two weeks following the operation.

How long does it take to recover from a rhinoplasty?

There are two parts to this answer. How long does it take to resume full normal activities and how long does it take for the nose to reach its final state? There is a huge time difference between the two. There is also individual variation.

Patients are usually surprised that the operation is virtually painless. We use Total IntraVenous Anaesthesia (TIVA) and therefore you wake up quickly from the operation and will not feel sick. You will be ready to go home within an hour or two. Expect some bleeding from the nostrils and you will find a gauze dressing strapped under the nose. This will be changed as necessary by the nurse whilst you are in the hospital and by yourself at home.

The bleeding usually stops by the next morning and be replaced by a clear ooze which tends to coagulate around the nostrils and internal sutures. Just keep this clear on the outside with tap water. The inside is unimportant. The nurse will deal with this when you come back at a week. The internal sutures dissolve on their own, but she will remove any skin sutures at the same time.

There is often bruising around the eyes. It is not painful. It appears quickly after surgery but settles equally quickly. The last remnants under the eyes go by 10 days.

Most patients, where the bones are fractured, will have a plastic or plaster of Paris splint over the nose, which is removed in 7 to 10 days. This is the moment of revelation. However, the nose is not how it will finally end up. It will be swollen and without definition. The tip, in particular, may at this stage appear unchanged. The actual final shape will take 6 to 12 months to settle. You will get some idea when this is, when the skin feels normal and all stiffness has gone. You need to be patient.

You are not ill after surgery, just a little bruised with a splint. You should not exercise for a couple of weeks, but you can do most other things if you don’t mind people seeing you. It is the same splint for a broken nose, and this would be the obvious white lie to explain it.

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