



Description (Overview)

A neck lift is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and fat around your jaw line, creating a more defined and youthful-looking neck. Results can be long lasting, but neck lift surgery can’t stop the aging process. A neck lift is done to reduce signs of aging in the lower part of the face. It’s often done as part of a face-lift.

We typically notice the first signs of aging on our face in the form of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, nose and between the brows, but we often forget about the neck area. You’ve probably applied cleanser and moisturizer to your face for decades, but you may have left your neck out of your skincare routine. Your neck can be a telltale sign of aging with sagging skin, fat accumulation, or the dreaded “turkey wattle.” A neck lift is a plastic surgery option that can eliminate loose sagging skin, giving you a more youthful appearance. We offer both traditional surgical neck lift as well as a minimally invasive laser neck lift, and for those just wanting to address a double chin, we offer liposuction.

There are a few methods to reverse signs of aging and weight gain or loss on your neck. In general, a neck lift, also known as a lower rhytidectomy, addresses sagging, wrinkled skin of your neck and vertical neck bands. The procedure involves tightening the underlying musculature of the neck to treat sagging in the neck and provide a sculpted, more youthful appearance while re-draping and removing excess neck skin to further enhance the rejuvenation of your neck and jawline.

A neck lift typically removes excess fat as well, correcting a double chin and providing a more defined profile. Incisions are hidden in front of the lower ear and behind the ear. For those patients with early signs of aging in the neck, a laser neck lift allows for a minimally invasive approach to address excess fat and moderate loose skin of the neck while defining the jaw line in an in-office procedure with minimal recovery.


 Why Neck Contouring Is Required?

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck.Neck lift surgery is designed to address multiple areas of concern regarding the aging neck. The procedure will address weakened muscles that appear as “bands” vertically along the neck. Your surgeon will tighten these muscles and create a smoother look and feel to the neck. Excess, sagging skin will also be tightened and then trimmed before your surgeon sutures the incisions closed. Any excess fat deposits can also be addressed, but large amounts of fat cells will require the addition of liposuction to the procedure.

The final results of a neck lift surgery can leave a patient looking much younger. Without your neck revealing your true age wherever you go, you may notice that you become more confident in your appearance. These positive psychological benefits can spill over into many areas of a patient’s life, from social to professional.



Why  iran  is suitable for Neck Contouring   ?


Patient Eligibility \ Who Can Have Neck Contouring   ?

A neck lift can result in a more defined, slender neck and jawline, but the procedure may not be for everyone. It’s important when undergoing any type of surgical procedure that you’re in good health.

If you’re age 40 and above, then you may want to consider a neck lift if you’re unhappy with any of the following conditions;

+ Loose or drooping skin
+ Excess skin
+ Skin damaged by sun and the elements
+ Excess fat on the neck obscuring the usual sharp angle between the chin and the neck
+ Double chin
+ Jowls or hanging skin at the neckline and jawline
+ Neck banding

Most patients seeking neck contouring procedures are looking for an anti-aging procedure to refine the look of the jaw, neck, and the underside of the chin. Even so, prospective neck contouring patients range in age, as early as their mid- to late 30s. Many factors can speed up the aging process, such as weight gain and even pregnancy.

To be considered a good candidate for any neck lift or liposuction procedure, you should be in good overall health, without any illnesses that can delay the healing process. You should also not smoke and have realistic expectations about your procedure and your expected results..

How Is  Done  Neck  Contouring ? ( Procedure )

Neck contouring isn’t defined by a surgical technique, but rather the patient’s aesthetic goals. A cosmetic surgeon will use a completely different surgical approach for a patient who wants to reshape a full chin versus a patient who wants to eliminate a sagging “turkey neck.” Neck contouring can be performed as a single procedure, or be combined with other facial cosmetic surgery procedures for more comprehensive improvements.

Neck Contouring Options

Neck Liposuction

Do you feel that you have an excessively full or “double chin,”   despite being at a healthy weight? Liposuction of the neck can achieve better defined, more graceful neckline by permanently

Because liposuction removes excess fat, but cannot significantly improve sagging skin, the typical neck liposuction patient will be younger, his   or her 20’s through early 50’s, as younger patients typically have good skin elasticity, which is necessary for the skin to contract smoothly and evenly after liposuction. For most patients, neck liposuction is a fairly quick procedure, and many times it can be performed using local anesthesia. Through 1 or 2 tiny incisions, concealed beneath the chin or behind the ears, a cosmetic surgeon insert a small liposuction cannula, removing excess fat and sculpting a natural contour to the chin and neck. Following the procedure, patients typically wear a special supportive chin strap for about 3 or 4 days, return to work within 1 week, and be ready to return to full activity after about 2 weeks. It is typical to experience some swelling and bruising after neck liposuction; this should resolve during the first 10 to 14 days after surgery.

Considerations & goals with neck liposuction:

  • Improves the appearance of a “double chin” or fullness underneath the chin
  • Refines the jawline to enhance the chin or bring balance to facial features
  • Patients with good skin tone will typically see the best results
  • Can be combined with chin augmentation or rhinoplasty to further enhance facial contours
  • Results are permanent so long as a patient maintains a stable weight

Neck Lift Surgery

If you are bothered by sagging, loose skin on your neck, then a neck lift surgery procedure, may provide a solution. You may hear neck lift surgery referred to as cervicoplasty (to remove excess skin) or platysmaplasty (to tighten loose neck muscles). Cosmetic surgeons will perform one or both of these procedures to tighten loose neck muscles and remove excess, sagging skin, restoring a smoother, firmer, and better defined appearance to the neck.

A neck lift procedure is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Your cosmetic surgeon will make a small incision behind each ear, and depending on your needs may also make a third small incision underneath the chin. Through these incisions, he or she will tighten the neck muscles and/or underlying tissues and remove excess, sagging skin to restore a smoother, firmer, and more youthful appearance to the neck.

Recovery time after a neck lift will depend on the individual, as well as the extent of surgery. Typically, patients return to daily activities, including a return to work, within 2 weeks after surgery. Expect your neck to feel tight for a few weeks, and know that bruising and swelling are normal. These effects should subside gradually, with visible bruising typically gone after the first week, and that “tight” feeling remaining for up to several months. Your cosmetic surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions for recovery and aftercare.

Considerations & goals with neck lift surgery:

  • Reduces or eliminates a “turkey neck” by removing excess, sagging skin
  • Smoothest out wrinkles and creases throughout the neck
  • Improves the appearance of vertical neck bands
  • Results are long-lasting and will age naturally with a patient
  • Can be combined with a facelift for more comprehensive facial rejuvenation


Preparation & recovery

Preparation for a neck lift involves setting the stage for your best results and recovery. Avoid alcohol and over the counter medications that may thin your blood such as ibuprofen and Aleve for a week to 10 days prior to surgery; Tylenol is OK.

Make sure you are well stocked on food and other supplies to limit your need to run out to get these after surgery.

If you’re a smoker, you’ll need to stop smoking at least six weeks prior to your surgery and six weeks after. The longer you are not smoking, the better for your recovery and healing.

Recovery time after a neck lift will depend on the individual, as well as the extent of surgery. Typically, patients return to daily activities, including a return to work, within 2 weeks after surgery. Expect your neck to feel tight for a few weeks, and know that bruising and swelling are normal. These effects should subside gradually, with visible bruising typically gone after the first week, and that “tight” feeling remaining for up to several months. Your cosmetic surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions for recovery and aftercare

During your recovery from neck lift surgery, a bandage could gently be placed around your face and neck to minimize swelling and bruising when your procedure is completed.

A thin tube may be present to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect under the skin.

You will be given specific instructions that may include how to care for the surgical site and drains, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the potential for infection, specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your general health and when to follow up with your plastic surgeon.

It is important to keep your head elevated above your heart to minimize swelling and to keep your head straight (no excessive twisting or bending of the neck). DO NOT APPLY ICE to the neck as this can compromise blood flow and result in skin death.

Other options

There was a time when surgery was the only option to remove a stubborn double chin and rejuvenate your neck – but not anymore. There are now several non-surgical options available for getting rid of submental (under-chin) fat, but how do you decide what is the best neck rejuvenation technique: Kybella, Ultherapy, or CoolSculpting Mini?

Kybella: Kybella is an injectable treatment for correcting a double chin. It was the first non-invasive procedure cleared by the FDA for this purpose. Kybella is composed of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance that the body produces naturally, and uses to help absorb fats.

Kybella works by destroying the membrane of the fat cells. It dissolves the fat below the chin after 2 to 4 treatments, which are usually spaced about 4-6 weeks apart. Kybella is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe submental fullness. It is a relatively painless procedure that is performed in-office, and has no downtime.

Ultherapy: Ultherapy is a skin tightening treatment that is powered by ultrasound energy. It delivers focused ultrasound energy to heat up the underlying tissues of the skin, in order to tighten and lift the skin. It also helps to stimulate collagen.

CoolSculpting Mini: CoolSculpting Mini is a procedure in which the fat cells are frozen using a system known as Cryolipolysis. The neck skin is sucked into a small chamber in the CoolMini device, during which time the fat is treated. The frozen fat cells are then naturally eliminated by the body.

The CoolMini is a specially designed applicator that can treat small volume areas of fat. There is also no downtime with CoolSculpting Mini, so patients can resume normal activities after the procedure.

Which is best for you?
When considering which non-surgical neck rejuvenation treatment is best for you, there are several factors to consider, including:

– The amount of fat and loose skin on the neck
– Number of recommended treatments
– Expected results
– Cost
– Downtime
– Side effects

The best rejuvenation technique for you will depend on your specific skin concerns in the neck area.

Kybella is an effective way to reduce submental fullness, but it does not tighten the skin. It is therefore recommended for individuals with good skin tone.

Some people experience significant swelling after Kybella and this can take several days to resolve. Side effects of CoolMini include numbness, bruising, redness, and tingling.

Ultherapy tightens the skin, but is not designed to dissolve fat, so it will not reduce the appearance of under-chin fat. However, it can be used in conjunction with Kybella or CoolMini to tighten any sagging skin that is left after the fat has been eliminated.

CoolSculpting Mini is often the preferred option for people who need to eliminate fat under the chin, but don’t like injections. The results for Kybella and CoolSculpting Mini take between 4-8 weeks to appear. Both treatments have received high levels of patient satisfaction.

Risks & Complication

 Risks involved with neck lift surgery might include:

-Bleeding under the skin (hematoma)

  –  Reaction to anesthetic

  –  Thick scarring

  –  Blood clots

  –  Infection

   – Nerve injury

  –  Skin loss

   – Open wounds

Another possible risk of neck lift surgery is that you might not be satisfied with your results. In this situation, another surgery might be an option.


Our plastic surgeries are customized to suit your needs as a patient. We pride ourselves on treating you as an individual because no two people are the same, which means the cost of your procedure(s) will vary. You will be given a full quote at your consultation outlining the entire cost of the procedure with no hidden fees.


How should I prepare for a Neck Lift treatment?

You may come to see your surgeon with a Neck Lift in mind. Having discussed your particular problems, he will produce a treatment schedule, which may include non-surgical treatments to prepare the skin. You will also be advised to stop smoking and taking aspirin for a minimum of two weeks prior to surgery. There will be some surgeons, who will refuse surgery to smokers, because of the added risk of poor healing. Others will advise of the risk, and modify their treatment.

Is there a non-surgical alternative to a surgical neck lift?

For many years, the Inside-Out Neck Lift was the only one surgical option to get rid of a double chin, as diet and exercise usually don’t have an impact on it. Now, there are another additional noninvasive treatment options: CoolSculpting ,Kybella and Ultherapy. There are several things to consider before deciding which treatment is the best for each patient. The most important factors to consider are the patient’s neck fat distribution, neck and jawline structure, skin condition, and also how much downtime is feasible for the patient

Do I need downtime after a Neck Lift procedure?

All our Neck Lift procedures are designed to have minimal downtime. Most importantly, we make sure that the pain is very minimal. If you try to get back to a regular exercise routine too early, then it will increase swelling and slow down your recovery time. However, normal everyday activities and computer work should not be significantly affected.

The biggest issue that people will have following their neck lift surgery is the visibility of bruising, stitches and dressings. Some people will be more sensitive about these than others. You may choose to take some extra downtime in order to heal and allow the swelling to reduce before returning to work or regular social activities if you don’t want other people to see the stiches and bruises. The main bandage is removed within 48 hours.  Bandages are reasonably well hidden around the ears or under the chin. You can leave them open or cover with tape.

If you have had a general anaesthetic, then you will need to have a sensible person with you overnight to help take care of you, as you may continue to feel groggy and sleepy, or disoriented. A little help with some physical activities around the home would be useful for a few days in order for you to rest, relax and recover. Try not to have your head down and maybe sleep with an extra pillow.

Any liposuction incisions may or may not be sutured, but other stitches are generally removed a week after surgery.

Bruising from liposuction is surprisingly slight in this area, and normal activities can be resumed within a day or two. Men do occasionally have a little more, bruising because of the increased blood supply to the beard. Following your surgeon’s instructions on how to care for the bruising and swelling will be the best way to ensure a speedy recovery with less downtime.

Is a Neck Lift painful?

Neck tightening surgery is not an especially painful procedure, though you may experience slight discomfort, due to the tightness of the skin.

There are some common side effects involved with a neck lift surgery, none of which are very extreme. With modern techniques pain and swelling is slight. You may or may not take the simple painkiller provided by your surgeon. You may also experience some bruising, which will naturally fade over the next two weeks. Any scars that you have following the procedure are well hidden and will also fade over time. We offer an excellent scar aftercare treatment to ensure that your scars remain as minimal as possible.

The skin itself may feel numb after surgery, but sensation will return over the next few weeks. Men may find shaving odd during this period. Be gentle with your neck area when washing, shaving etc.

Am I a good candidate for Neck Lift Surgery?

A neck lift can result in a more defined, slender neck and jawline, but the procedure may not be for everyone. It’s important when undergoing any type of surgical procedure that you’re in good health.

If you’re age 40 and above, then you may want to consider a neck lift if you’re unhappy with any of the following conditions;

+ Loose or drooping skin
+ Excess skin
+ Skin damaged by sun and the elements
+ Excess fat on the neck obscuring the usual sharp angle between the chin and the neck
+ Double chin
+ Jowls or hanging skin at the neckline and jawline
+ Neck banding

How long does it take to recover from a Neck Lift?

There are several alternative ways to tighten skin surgically. The full neck lift, removing surplus skin below the ears allows fairly normal activity in a few days, so long as you avoid vigorous activity. There are sutures around the ear to be removed in about 10 days. The particular advantage is that the jowls are removed.Mini and micro versions may be suitable for you with even quicker recovery.

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