eyebrow and forehead lift


Eyebrow and forehead lift


Description (overview)

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation, is a cosmetic procedure to raise the brows. A brow lift improves the appearance of the forehead, the brow and the area around the eyes by raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow.

  • Reduces the wrinkle lines that develop horizontally across the forehead, as well as those that occur on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes
  • Improves frown lines, the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows
  • Raises sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids
  • Places the eyebrows in an alert and youthful position

Other cosmetic procedures that may be performed with a brow lift include:

  • Upper and or lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)
  • Face lifting
  • Skin resurfacing techniques

Why Brow Lift Is Required ?

The problem with an aging forehead is the effect it has on our facial expressions—a sagging, heavily furrowed brow can cause us to look constantly tired, worried or even angry. Some of us are also genetically inclined to have a heavier, thicker brow, making us look as though we are wearing a frown even when we are feeling our best. A brow lift directly addresses these issues, helping patients enjoy a more naturally refreshed appearance as well as other positive changes:

  • Others may find you more approachable, as they no longer mistakenly perceive you as angry or concerned
  • Your eyes will appear brighter and more naturally alert
  • Self-confidence can improve as you are no longer worried about looking “worried”

Why Iran Is Suitable For Brow Lift?


Patient Eligibility \ Who Can Have Brow Lift?

You might want to consider a brow lift if you:

  • Are bothered by moderate-to-severe wrinkling on the brow or forehead
  • Would like to smooth forehead skin, but prefer not to have your muscles paralyzed as with BOTOX®
  • Have tried a series of dermal fillers to correct brow wrinkles in the past, and are now looking for a solution.

As we age, unsightly wrinkle lines may appear on the forehead. Frown lines between the brows can make us look angry or “too serious.” Skin relaxation may cause the eyebrows to drop, hooding our upper eyelids and making us look tired. If you are bothered by these signs of aging in the brow region, a brow lift may be right for you.

The incision lines from a brow lift are well concealed within the hair or natural contours of the face unless they are placed at the hairline to shorten the forehead. Results appear gradually as swelling and bruising subside to reveal smoother forehead skin and a more youthful, restful appearance.

Life-long sun protection will help to maintain your rejuvenated appearance by minimizing photo-aging or sun damage. In addition, a healthy lifestyle will also help extend the results of your rejuvenated, more youthful appearance.

How Is Brow Lift Done? (Procedures)

Cosmetic surgeons use different techniques for brow lift surgery; which is best for any given patient depends on a patient’s goals, unique anatomy, and the extent of corrections needed to achieve the desired results.

Types of Brow Lift Surgery


Endoscopic Brow Lift

Increasingly, cosmetic surgeons are using the endoscopic method for brow lift surgery, which is much less invasive than previous techniques, yet can often achieve an equally desirable result. For an endoscopic brow lift, your cosmetic surgeon will make a series of very short incisions (about ¾” in length) just behind the hairline. Then, using a special tiny camera and thin instruments, he or she will reposition the muscles and lift underlying tissues of the forehead, removing excess fat and tissue as needed to create a naturally more youthful brow.

Temporal or Limited Incision Brow Lift

A temporal brow lift involves slightly longer incisions than an endoscopic brow lift and is most commonly performed in conjunction with  eyelid surgery. Incisions about 1 inch long are made just above each temple, behind the hairline. Through these incisions, your cosmetic surgeon will lift and reposition the tissues of the outer brow area. Then, through the incisions made for an upper eyelid procedure, the area between the eyebrows is lifted to smooth out frown lines.

Classic or Coronal Brow Lift

Once the standard technique, the coronal brow lift has generally fallen out of fashion, as well-qualified cosmetic surgeons are typically able to make needed improvements with less invasive techniques. In certain cases, however, a coronal brow lift may be necessary to achieve a patient’s desired results. This technique involves one long incision made behind the hairline, running from ear to ear. Excess skin, fat and tissue are removed and the remaining skin and brow muscles are repositioned into a more youthful appearance.

Preparation & recovery

How you prepare

Initially, you’ll talk to a facial plastic surgeon or plastic surgeon about a brow lift. During your first visit, your surgeon will likely:

  • Review your medical history. Be prepared to answer questions about current and past medical conditions. Talk about any medications you’re taking or have taken recently, as well as any surgeries you’ve had. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medications.
  • Do a physical exam. To determine your treatment options, the doctor will examine and measure different parts of your face with your eyes open and closed. The doctor might also take photographs for your medical record.
  • Discuss your expectations. Explain why you want a brow lift, and what you’re hoping for in terms of appearance after the procedure. Make sure you understand the benefits and risks.


Before a brow lift you might also need to:

  • Stop smoking. Smoking decreases blood flow in the skin and can slow the healing process. If you smoke, your doctor will recommend that you stop smoking before surgery and during recovery.
  • Avoid certain medications. You’ll likely need to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements, which can increase bleeding.
  • Arrange for help during recovery. Make plans for someone to drive you home after you leave the hospital and stay with you for at least the first night of your recovery at home.

After the procedure

After a brow lift, your forehead might be loosely wrapped to minimize swelling. A small tube might be placed along the incision site to drain any excess blood or fluid.

Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for your incisions. In the first few days after a brow lift:

  • Rest with your head elevated and take pain medication as recommended by your doctor
  • Apply cold compresses to relieve swelling
  • Avoid exposing your incisions to excessive pressure or motion

As your incisions heal, you might experience itching and numbness, which will likely lessen over time. If your incisions are covered in bandages, your doctor will likely remove them in one to three days. Sutures typically will be removed within seven to 10 days of surgery.

Ask your doctor when it’s OK to resume daily activities, such as washing and drying your hair and bathing. Keep in mind that swelling might last several weeks.

Incision lines will fade over time. You might use makeup to conceal any prolonged bruising.

After a brow lift, contact your doctor immediately if you have:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeats

Other option


Nonsurgical Brow Lift

Contrary to popular belief, the eyebrow does not truly sag or change position as we age. Rather, it stays relatively fixed in position through our life. However, muscle and soft tissue changes around the eyebrow causes changes the can alter the shape or position of the brow.As we lose fat and soft tissue in the upper forehead, brow, upper eyelid, and eye region, our muscles around the eyes and forehead try to pick up the slack and work over time. This causes tell-tale forehead lines, slight drooping of the brows, and deflation and redundant skin of the upper eyelid skin.

However, there are innovative techniques using injectable products and skin tightening devices that can improve aging changes to the eyebrow.

Treatment Options for the Eyebrow

  • Botox: Injectable botulinum toxin such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin can be artistically placed at the tail of the eyebrow and in between the brows to lift its position, opening the eye and lifting the brow.
  • Skin Tightening: this procedure improves crepey skin in the upper eyelid and helps to subtlety lift the upper eyelid skin.
    • Ultherapy : this ultrasound-based device is used around the eyes to tighten, lift, and improve texture of the skin. It is FDA-approved for lifting the eyebrow region approximately 1-2 mm according to clinical trials.
    • Protégé Elite: this no-downtime, no pain procedure is a radiofrequency device that over a series of treatments tightens the skin around the eye, sometimes providing a subtle lift to the eyebrow.
  • Injectable fillers: using a blunt-tipped cannula technique, the upper eyelid and eyebrow fat loss can be restored with minimal risks and downtime.
    • Restylane and Restylane Refyne: these hyaluronic acid fillers restore volume appropriately do not attract excess water and swelling to the eye region like other fillers.
    • Fat: One’s own fat can be grafted through autologous fat transfer to rejuvenate the entire eye region and to improve the upper eyelid.

Risks & Complication

A brow lift poses various risks, including:

  • Scarring. Scarring might be visible after a brow lift.
  • Changes in skin sensation. A brow lift can cause temporary or permanent numbness on the forehead or top of the scalp.
  • Asymmetry in the position of the brows. A brow lift can result in asymmetry, with one or both of the eyebrows appearing too high. However, asymmetry may even out during the healing process. Persistent brow shape or position problems can be treated through additional surgery.
  • Hair problems. A brow lift can cause an elevated hairline or hair loss at the incision site. If hair loss doesn’t resolve on its own, it can be treated with scar excision or hair grafting.

Like any other type of major surgery, a brow lift poses a risk of bleeding, infection and an adverse reaction to anesthesia.


What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure to raise the eyebrows. It is also known as a forehead lift. A brow lift not only improves brows and the forehead, but also the upper eyelids By raising the forehead and eyebrows, the skin of the upper eyelids is pulled upwards, sometimes making an eyelid reduction(blepharoplasty) unnecessary.The brow lifts the skin and muscle at the level of the frontal bone and fixed at a higher level. This is usually carried out endoscopically, which is a minimally invasive technique via tiny incisions behind the hairline. The muscles that cause horizontal wrinkles and furrows are weakened by detaching them above the eyebrow reducing their power and effect. This creates a softer overall look that is more aesthetically pleasing.

You might be looking to have a brow lift, done if you have low sagging brows, or the skin under your brows is low and sagging. On the other hand, it could be just that you are looking to improve symmetry of the eyebrows and forehead.  Either way brow lifts tend to boost self-confidence.Our facial structure tends to change with age. Bone resorbs, muscles sag and the eyebrow move lower along with the rest of the facial tissue. You are probably perfectly happy, but you appear constantly tired, sad, or even angry. It is frustrating to be told to cheer up when you perfectly happy. A simple brow lift can rejuvenate your appearance, making you look years younger and more vibrant.

A brow lift may be done in conjunction with eyelid surgery or a facelift, all done with minimal discomfort, under Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (T.I.V.A.) as a day case. Will be able to rest comfortably at home rather than having to stay overnight at the hospital.

One should remember that non- surgical procedures and particularly the clever use of  Botox can go a long way towards producing the effect of a brow lift without the surgery!

Another modern adjunct is fat grafting (lipofilling). It is of huge importance in lifting the brow, when directed to the eyebrows and temples. This gives a more permanent result than the use of fillers

Am I suitable for a Brow Lift?

Typically patients, suitable for a brow lift, are between the ages of 40 and 60 years old with good skin elasticity, although this procedure can help patients of any age with a low or heavy brow. Your surgeon will assess your suitability and alternative procedures at your initial consultation. You will be advised to stop smoking and taking certain medications prior to surgery to improve healing and reduce bruising.

How does a Surgical Brow Lift procedure work?

The days of the long incision across the scalp behind the hairline are over, as minimally invasive endoscopic surgery through stab incisions behind the hairline, not only give better results, but better access and vision for the surgeon.

A brow lift is done through several different techniques, depending on the results you desire. Your surgeon will be able to assess you during your consultation and determine what the best method is to achieve your goals. We focus on specific techniques that minimize scarring. Lifting of the brow is carried out at a much deeper level than the facelift with all the soft tissues and skin being lifted off the bone and fixed at a higher level. The fixing may be with a dissolvable clip, which you will feel under the skin of the scalp for some months or by stitching to the bone itself. There will inevitably be bruising and swelling around the eyes after surgery, but very little discomfort.

What are the risks and downtime with a Brow Lift treatment?

The surgery itself is carried out as a day case under Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (T.I.V.A.), which is a very light and predictable anaesthetic. You wake up feeling alert and ready to go home. The main risk of surgery is the swelling and bruising around the eyes after surgery, which will take a week or two to settle. In addition, you may feel a lump under the scalp, where the forehead is fixed. Inevitably, small nerves to the scalp are cut and numbness often persists. Long-term pain from a cut nerve (neuroma) is rare. Removing muscle from between the eyebrows to reduce deep furrows can leave a depression, but is much less common with an experienced surgeon.

There will be a tendency for the forehead to gradually continue its descent and repeat browlifts are not uncommon.
It may seem that all these consequences of a browlift and the relative size of the procedure make it less attractive. This is particularly so, because the alternatives of a combination of Botox, fillers and fat grafting have become so effective. The need for a browlift surgery is very much reduced.