Double Chin Removal

Double Chin Removal:


While many of us would like to see a streamlined profile when we look in the mirror, some of us have excess fat that creates a double chin, also called submental fullness. A double chin can result from a variety of causes, including hereditary factors, weight, anatomy and airway positioning. If you have a double chin you’re unsatisfied with, you’re not alone — as many as 68 percent of people are in the same boat.

Plastic surgeons use a variety of procedures to remove a double chin. These procedures include:

  • Liposuction: This procedure removes fat from beneath the skin and sculpts the chin and neck contour. “We make a small incision under the skin, insert a tube and suck out the fat,” says Ishii. Liposuction typically requires only local anesthetic to numb the general area.
  • Face-lift: This surgery allows doctors to remove fat and loose, saggy skin around the chin and neck, removing a double chin. “Most people are asleep under general anesthesia, though it is possible to do with a local anesthetic,” says Ishii.
  • Neck-lift: Different types of neck-lift procedures aim to remove extra skin (cervicoplasty) or tighten neck muscles (platysmaplasty) to improve the contours of the neck and chin. Doctors often combine a traditional face-lift with this procedure, which may cause a tight feeling in the neck for several months.

Our liposuction of the chin procedure can accomplish the following:

  • Eliminate submental fat (double chin)
  • Remove pockets of fat in the face that are resistant to exercise and healthy dieting
  • Sculpt the tissues along the jawline
  • Define the jawline to balance your facial features
  • Provide facial rejuvenation


Who is a good candidate for breast augmentation?

In general, candidates for a double chin removal are:

  • Individuals with excess fat pockets around your jawline
  • Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that impair healing or increase risk of surgery
  • Non-smokers
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic




Chin liposuction works by inserting a small tube, called a cannula, into the chin in different areas. Using gentle suction, small and strategic amounts of fat are removed from each location. The result is a smoother, more even profile with a reduced amount of fat under the chin.

A submentoplasty works by making small incisions under the chin, as well as using liposuction on the neck.

During a neck lift, your surgeon makes incisions behind the ear and sometimes underneath the chin, removes excess skin, and tightens neck muscles.

The following are some basic steps for chin liposuction:

  1. Your surgeon will examine the chin and neck and make markings with a pen to note areas where they’ll insert their cannulas.
  2. The skin is cleansed thoroughly with an antiseptic solution designed to reduce infection risks.
  3. The surgeon will then administer medications for sedation, if desired, or inject local anesthetic (numbing medication) into the skin.
  4. Then, they’ll make several small incisions in the skin just large enough to introduce the liposuction cannula.
  5. Next, they’ll insert a liposuction cannula and use a back-and-forth or fanning motion to remove excess fat. They’ll pay close attention to how much fat is removed from each area to ensure a smooth, even facial appearance.
  6. Finally, bandaging is applied as necessary. This typically includes a special chin strap to support the skin while it heals.

Submentoplasty and neck lift surgery involve making incisions in the skin. Some general steps of neck lift surgery include the following:

  1. Your doctor will mark the chin and neck with lines and arrows indicating areas of approach.
  2. They’ll then administer IV medications or put you under general anesthesia for the procedure.
  3. The area will be cleansed with an antiseptic solution. Depending on the anesthesia approach, your doctor may or may not inject a local anesthetic into the skin.
  4. Next, your doctor will make incisions, usually at the hairline and around and behind the ear. Then, they may remove excess fat and skin from the neck. They may also tighten the platysma, or neck muscle, to make the skin appear more toned.
  5. Finally, they will close the skin incisions with glue or stitches (sutures). These sutures will usually heal and aren’t visible, due to a person’s hairline.

With submentoplasty, there are fewer incisions, and a doctor doesn’t remove excess skin as with a neck lift. Instead, a doctor tightens the neck muscles to give a more sculpted appearance.


Preparation and Recovery:


you may be asked to:

  • Get a blood test
  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs as they can increase bleeding
  • Stop taking recreational drugs, such as cocaine

Double Chin Removal may be performed in an accredited office-based surgical facility, ambulatory surgical center or a hospital; This is for your safety.


You can expect some swelling and discomfort following the procedure. The skin on the neck and chin may feel very tight due to swelling and bruising. If you have facial drains to reduce blood and fluid buildup in your neck, a doctor will usually remove these after a day or two.

A doctor may recommend applying antibiotic ointment to any incision areas. They’ll usually recommend avoiding the sun or getting excess amounts of water on the face and chin for a few days.

The recovery time depends on what surgical approach your doctor used. For chin liposuction, this is usually a few days to a week before returning to work. For a neck lift, you may not return to work for about two weeks.

You will be given specific instructions that may include:

  • How to care for the surgical site(s)
  • Medications to apply or take orally to aid healing
  • Specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your general health
  • When to follow up with your plastic surgeon

If you experience any shortness of breath, chest pains or unusual heartbeats, seek medical attention immediately. Should any of these complications occur, you may require hospitalization and additional treatment. Following your physician’s instructions is key to the success of your surgery. It is important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, swelling, abrasion or motion during the time of healing. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself.

Risks and Complications:

Any time foreign instruments are inserted into the skin, there are risks. Our doctor will discuss these with you before the procedure to ensure you have all the correct information before proceeding.  At any case the following may be considered as risk of double chin removal:


  • Asymmetry of facial features
  • Bleeding
  • Complications from anesthesia, such as problems breathing
  • Decreased skin sensitivity
  • Discomfort
  • Infection
  • Nerve injury
  • Scarring
  • Swelling

These risks and others will be fully discussed prior to your operation. It is important that you address all your questions directly with us.


Further Information:

Deoxycholic Acid: A Nonsurgical Alternative to Double Chin Surgery (Kybella)

One recent development in anti-aging science is deoxycholic acid, an injectable treatment for a double chin.

Deoxycholic acid is a substance the gallbladder uses to dissolve dietary fat, Injecting this chemical into the skin beneath the chin melts fat there that the body then reabsorbs.”

Kybella differs from surgical approaches in a number of ways. Here are some key facts about this medication:

  • It typically requires multiple treatments — usually up to six — on a monthly basis to see results.
  • Topical local anesthesia is applied to the treatment area before Kybella.
  • Side effects include pain, swelling, bruising, redness, pain, and numbness. Allergic reactions, injury to facial nerves, and problems swallowing are rare, but possible, complications.
  • Kybella isn’t a good option for those who don’t have highly elastic neck skin or who have looser-appearing neck muscles. It’ll only correct excess fat under the chin.
  • The average cost is typically more than surgical procedures. If you need several treatments, chin liposuction may be less costly.
  • Results are considered permanent because the fat cells are destroyed.



Do I Need Another Procedure, Too?

You may have heard from other surgeons that fat removal causes the skin to loosen. This is true when a less skilled surgeon carries out liposuction. However, our medical team can remove fat so smoothly and completely that your skin will tighten. He can achieve more effective skin tightening while removing more fat than when other surgeons perform the procedure. This may sound impossible. However, if you look at the results on our website, you’ll see the proof.

In some cases, there are patients who will not see perfect results from liposuction of the chin alone. For those individuals, a facelift or neck lift would be a better solution.

How long will the effect of double chin removal last?

  • if a person maintains a consistent weight; the effects of chin liposuction are permanent.
  • Length of duration for neck lift results depend on a person’s skin quality and surgical approach. Our surgeon will discuss this with you before surgery.